Showing posts with the label Literary criticismShow all
What are the 12 functions of literary criticism | What is the major function of criticism | What is the function of criticism in literature? -
 What is Nihilism? Definition | Origin | Examples | Literature | Characteristics | Nihilism vs  absurdism | Nihilism vs existentialism. -
What is Existentialism? Definition | Origin | Examples | Literature | Characteristics |  existentialism vs absurdism | Existentialism vs nihilism. -
What is absurdism? Definition | Origin | Examples | Literature | Characteristics | absurdism vs existentialism | absurdism vs nihilism. -
On the Value of Scepticism by Bertrand Russell, On the Value of Scepticism Summary In Urdu and Hindi -
Preface to Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson in Urdu, Preface to Shakespeare Summary and Analysis. -
Preface to the Lyrical Ballads, Preface to the Lyrical Ballads In Urdu, Preface to the Lyrical Ballads  by William Wordsworth -
Culture and Anarchy by Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy Summary, Culture and Anarchy Lecture. PDF -
Structuralism vs Post-Structuralism, Structuralism vs Post-Structuralism In Urdu/Hindi, Linguistics. -
The Harm that Good Men Do Summary In Urdu and Hindi,  The Harm that Good Men Do Critical Analysis. -
Reader Response Theory and Criticism In Urdu and Hindi, Reader Response Theory Explanation with PDF. -
Eastern and Western Ideals of Happiness by Bertrand Russell In Urdu and Hindi, Short Video Part 1 and 2 -
 The Function of Criticism at the Present Time by Matthew Arnold In Urdu and Hindi, bseln. -
Religion and Literature by ts eliot, Religion and Literature Summary, Religion and Literature in Urdu -
 Liberal Humanism in Urdu and Hindi, Liberal Humanism Literary Theory In Urdu, Liberal Humanism PDF. -
True Love by Isaac Asimov, True Love by Isaac Asimov Summary In Urdu, True love In Urdu and Hindi, Notes PDF -
War by John Ruskin Summary in Urdu, War by John Ruskin Explanation in Urdu, War by John Ruskin PDF. -
 Work(Essay) by Jhon Ruskin Summary in Urdu, John Ruskin Work Essay Explanation In Urdu and Hindi,PDF -
Orientalism Book by Edward Said in Urdu, Orientalism Summary in Urdu, Post-Colonial Theory. PDF. -
What is Transcendentalism? Transcendentalism Explanation in Urdu and Hindi. Transcendentalism PDF. -