Showing posts with the label NovelsShow all
The Far Field Novel by Madhuri Vijay’s Summary | Themes | Characters | Analysis | Notes PDF in Urdu and Hindi -
The Rising Of The Moon Play by #LadyGregory in Urdu | Summary | Characters | Themes | Analysis | PDF -
wuthering heights summary in urdu, wuthering heights by emily bronte, Themes,Analysis, keyPoint, PDF -
Sons and Lovers by D.H.Lawrance in urdu, Sons and Lovers by DH.Lawrance Summary, Sons and Lovers PDF -
 The Murder of Aziz Khan by Zulfikar Ghose, The Murder of Aziz Khan Summary and Critical Analysis. -
Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews Novel Summary, Joseph Andrews Analysis, PDF -
 Emma by Jane Austen, Emma by Jane Austen Summary, Emma by Jane Austen Analysis, PDF -
Tess of the d'Urbervilles Novel by Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles Analysis, Tess of the d'Urbervilles PDF. -
Hard Times Novel by Charles Dickens, Hard Times Summary In Urdu and Hindi, Hard Times Analysis, PDF -
Twilight in Delhi by Ahmed Ali, Twilight in Delhi Summary, Twilight in Delhi Critical Analysis, PDF -
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms Summary, A Farewell to Arms Analysis.PDF -
Beloved Novel by Toni Morrison In Urdu, Beloved Novel Summary in Urdu, Beloved Critical Analysis,PDF -
The Sound and the Fury Novel Summary,The Sound and the Fury Novel by William Faulkner In Urdu, PDF. -
 The Mill on the Floss Novel by George Eliot In Urdu, The Mill on the Floss Summary in Urdu, PDF. -
 Anil's Ghost Novel by Michael Ondaatje Summary, Anils Ghost Summary in urdu and Hindi, PDF. -
The Reluctant Fundamentalist Critical Analysis, The Reluctant Fundamentalist Summary in Urdu/Hindi. -
Gullivers Travels Novel, Gullivers Travels Novel In Hindi, Jonathan Swift Biography, Urdu and Hindi. -
Barchester Towers Summary in Urdu, Barchester Towers Novel Anthony Trollope by Explanation, Note PDF -
The Return Of The Native Novel, The Return of The Native Novel Explanation, Summary,Themes,Style,PDF -
Adam Bede Novel Summary in Urdu and Hindi, Adam Bede Novel by George Eliot M.A Question with PDF. -